A place to show what ever I decide to show. Don't know just yet what that will be!
Is this possible??
Published on March 10, 2007 By RAMWolff In Stardock Software

I was wondering if there is a way to have free floating png's on the desktop. There is another little known desktop shell that can do this and it's such a cool feature. Imagine having a background, say a creepy town or something and then load up a png with alpha of an old witch or creature that you can move around and then load another and then load up a moon.png and then some misty cloud coverage, layering in order to create your own customizable desktop theme. Then imagine a way to lock each image into place so they don't get deleted or turned off by accident. At this point I see no reason why this should not be possible!

Thank you

Richard ~
on Mar 10, 2007
yes it's possible

on Mar 10, 2007
Could you then direct me to a tutorial or tell me how to go about doing this?

Thank you

on Mar 10, 2007
the .pngs would be simple layer objects

DesktopX User's Guide

Click Developer's Guide on the left.
Browse through DTX tutorials
Check out RomanDA's tutorials: <a href="https://forums.wincustomize.com/?forumid=156&aid=144914#1136839
on Mar 10, 2007
Thank you.

I prefer png's in fact!
on Mar 11, 2007
got it all figured out. Now I want to take a screen shot but my two screen grab programs (Print Screen and Howies Screen Grab) take the screen shot but all the png's are missing. So the Vista bar, fishy, clock, my new floating png image, weather gadget area all MIA. Is there a screen grab utility included with the full Object Desktop suite??

Also, I use Irfanview and while I love this viewer I find that if the image is a full screen grab or an image that is large enough to hit the edges of my screens desktop it practically freezes up. Not entirely but any function I wish to use or to even scroll takes a full minute to process. Smaller images are just fine. I tried using XNView and that's just fine. So if you have any info on this I would appreciate it.

Thanks much!!

Richard ~

PS: I'm REALLY digging all this new, fun stuff now that I'm getting the hang of it!
on Mar 11, 2007
Now I want to take a screen shot

print screen key - open graphics program (if not already open) - edit - paste - save
on Mar 11, 2007
Now I want to take a screen shot but my two screen grab programs (Print Screen and Howies Screen Grab) take the screen shot but all the png's are missing. So the Vista bar, fishy, clock, my new floating png image, weather gadget area all MIA!

Please read all the info. I tried that already!

on Mar 11, 2007
FastStone Screen Capture

FastStone Capture is a powerful, flexible and intuitive screen-capture utility. It allows you to capture anything on the screen including windows, objects, full screen, rectangle regions, freehand-selected regions and scrolling windows/web pages. It has innovative features such as a floating Capture Panel, hotkeys, resizing, cropping, text annotation, printing, e-mailing, screen magnifier and many more.

No need to use any graphic program....save to format of choice via settings ...select folder to save in & will capture active window. Sounds like you will need to Capture Active Window...just right click on system tray icon.

It's My Secret
on Mar 11, 2007
Note....This page is borked......
on Mar 11, 2007
Very cool!! Thank you so much!

What's "borked"?

Oh, another inane newbie question or three:

I downloaded I think ALL of the Lore theme stuff the other day. I expecialy appreciated and liked that S-He included skins for the ObjectDocks but I don't know how to apply them. There are a total of 10 folders from the 6 zips I downloaded (which includes the main theme, wallpapers, a skin for the Weather gadget and a couple of other things. I think the folders labeled LoreTab and LoreZoomer are the ones for the ObjecDocks but all that there are are image files and when I right click and choose Dock Settings and then go to the Themes area and I would think THERE the options to apply image files would be but all I can see is it wants .dockzip files only. So now I'm lost again.

I also see a LORE clock.smx file in the folder and would like to apply this to the floating clock I have on the desktop to see if I would prefer this over the default look of it.

Thanks again!
on Mar 11, 2007
The page itself we are reading is borked...2 tabbars on top..info on bottom that should be on the right

Unzip the Lore zoomer & tabbed docks to...the Background folder in My documents Object Dock folder ..then open the configuration window of OD and go the Appearance section and select Background and scroll to find the Lore zoomer

To use the tabbed dock...you need to have made one first by going to the dock contents and add tabbed dock...click on tabbed dock & select tabs & styles....style & select the Lore Tab

After you have set up your tabbed & nontabbed dock.....save the THEME....this is where the Theme settings come in...You need to do this only after setting up the docks the way you like and should do it so that you do not lose your saved work. Then at any time you can simply use this saved theme again without all the work

.smx is for a program called SysMetrix...go to our main page and look at the Sysmetrix gallery...you will find a link to the free program at the top pf the page..plus many more skins..install the program....then click on the Lore smx file and it will install that skin for you.

Hope that helps

It's My Secret
on Mar 12, 2007
Oh yea, I see that now. I just call is a messed up web page!!

Thanks for the info. I'll give it a go!!

All the best

Richard ~