Not sure how to get back my task bar?
I just paid good money for a nicer experience and yet I have a mess. I don't want to uninstall it all and start from scratch so I'm asking someone for some help to try to get back my taskbar.
I am trying to get a version of WinXP Pro desktop but with WindowBlinds type of customizations. I don't mind the task bar, it's useful and I can load up little shortcuts to other folders I need to access quickly there. I thought I liked all the bulky, funness of the object docks and all that but really real estate is pretty important in the long run.
So this am I decided to pay the $19.XX for the WinCustomize Browser to get a quicker download and installation. Well it seems loaded with all sorts of fun stuff. I "Applied" a new theme similar to what I was wanting, as described above, and low and behold I get a notice saying that the theme was designed for a different resolution. I thought that meant the wall paper would be stretched out. Nope, it meant something else I guess. The wall paper is stretched out, that's fine but my task bar now does not function, the entire middle of it where the running tasks are supposed to show are is made invisible, the tray is black and empty, the quick launch is unresponsive.
This is not acceptable to me in the least.
Perhaps advise me as to what to do when I am using this "Apply" feature. It should give options as to what the end user wants changed. I was quite happy with my wall paper actually. I tried applying a saved theme and Windows carried it out but the task bar remains a craped out mess!
Please help
Thank you