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Do I need a dll for this to get fixed?
Published on May 5, 2009 By RAMWolff In ObjectDock


I recently had a fatal crash resulting in my needing to reload the system.  I've just about got it all done (need to get ZBrush installed again which is royal PITA with all the hoops you have to jump through to get it initialized!  ) anyway's ..... I loaded up a saved set of docks to get back my old object dock settings.  Alls fine except that the little icons that are in the pop up menus are not displaying.  Only like paper icons that represent them.  Upon reinstalling each program the larger icon updates and shows up but when I click on one of the pop up menus (Show Folder In Menu option ticked off in the Dock Entry Properties) the tiny icons are not there. 

So that leaves me thinking that since this is the lovely and buggy Vista it may be there is a missing DLL that I need or something that one of your folks may know about that I need to add to the System 32 folder (I'm running 64 bit Vista Home Premium, fyi)

Thanks for the help

Richard ~

on May 09, 2009

OK, 5 days and no response.  Is there no one here that can help me out?? 

on May 09, 2009

Might have gotten more reponse it this was under Stardock Support.

Can you post a screenshot of what you are seeing?  That might help also in getting some replies.

on May 09, 2009

Well in all fairness this is Object Dock and this is the Object Dock forum, correct??

I don't have a screen shot, sorry, I unloaded that dock and am using a "Q-Launch" pop up folder added as a toolbar on the taskbar for the time being.  I should have taken a screen grab when I had the opportunity but I was so frustrated that I just unloaded, actually killed, that one dock.  The other two docks show the little icons just fine so that's just strange to me!!

Thanks for replying!